The “Sentir a Carrilana” Project in collaboration with ONCE, aims to create an inclusive family experience so that children with visual disabilities feel the unique path of driving a wooden carrilana.
The Gran Prix de Carrilanas de Esteiro, was born in 1988 as a leisure alternative for the weekend of the town’s festivities.The Carrilana, icon of popular games of Galician culture thus becomes a cultural and festive reference in the region.
Wooden cars without motor completely handmade, unique pieces in the world, that descend by a circuit of almost 3 km of route attended by more than 40,000 people during the weekend.
An event in which tradition, craftsmanship, culture and speed merge in a peculiar way, achieving great repersuction and influx of public, recognized in 2000 with the distinction of Festival of Tourist Interest of Galicia.
In 2020 we celebrate the XXXIII uninterrupted edition of this party, in which we intend to be able to realize the ambitious project of “Sentir a Carrilana” in collaboration with ONCE.
Manufacture of carrilanas for boys and girls with visual impairments
The objective is the construction of 4 sidecar wooden fully adapted for children with visual impairments.
The amount of the crowdfunding will be destined exclusively to the costs of the materials, since the manufacture will be carried out by the board and volunteers of the event.
This is one of the fundamental characteristics of the event, non-profit and voluntary collective financing, which is why it should be the premise of this project.
The carrilana will be piloted by a person of media relevance invited by the organization. In other editions, Xosé Olveira Pico, Miguel de Lira, Iván Ares or Luis Zahera participated. The idea is to invite people linked to the world of culture or sport.
The carrilana will have two steering wheels, a main one controlled by the pilot and another secondary steering wheel that will turn in solidarity with the main steering wheel. In this way, the boy or girl will enjoy a real sense of direction and angle in each curve.

Who is the project for?
The idea of this project is that girls and girls with visual disabilities can feel the paths of participating in a carriage of carrilanas, integrating them and making them partakers of the party with a carrilana Sidecar type.
ONCE Collaboration
The ONCE collaboration will be fundamental in this project, the link between Carrilanas Esteiro and the participating families. ONCE will provide professional support and collaborate with the dissemination and collaboration tasks.
The organization of the A.D.C. Esteirana de Carrilanas launches this ambitious crowdfunding project with the aim of starting the manufacture of the carrilanas so that they are ready in the XXXIII edition of the Grand Prix.
The project has an estimated budget of € 10,000 divided into the following items:
Item 1: Carrilanas Manufacturing: € 6,000
You can download the project in PDF version by clicking here.
You can collaborate with this project through the page: www.goteo.org